does pelvic pain and 2 months amenorrhea can cause fever?

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does pelvic pain and 2 months amenorrhea can cause fever?


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Lily June Garcia
is a Registered Nurse in United Arab Emirates
Hello miss anonymous, what type of pain are you experiencing? Because there are various pains that could indicate a certain type of illness. Pelvic pain is not normal. Certain cramps can be felt during pre-menstruation period and during menstruation, this cramp however is easily relieved by over the counter pain medications or analgesics, proper positioning and warm compress. If you experienced pelvic pain and suspects pregnancy, you should immediately proceed to the nearest hospital because complications are possible. Pregnancy can create flu-like symptoms because of the body's response to the forming fetus is that of a foreign body. Immediate consult to a specialist is advised for prompt proper medical interventions. Thank you very much.
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