Balanitis issue help?

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Hello dr,

My doctor had said i had developed balanitis around my genital part. I was prescribed with hydrocortisone to reduce inflmmation. I had used for a few days but it has led to some different abnormal colour and irritating itch even before I had taken the medication. I was wondering if it was appropriate to give me this medication as im not sure it is safe to treat with using steriods, mainly this part of the area. The inflmmation seems less but i dont know if i developed side effect. I feel uncomfortable giving an image of the area usually but have done so this time to be on the safe side. Thank you for your help.


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Stephanie Bongcaron
is a Nurse in the Philippines
Hello. I would recommend that you go back to your doctor. Maybe you are experiencing allergic reactions from the medication. It is best for you to talk to your doctor again about what you are experiencing while taking the drug so he/she can adjust or change your medication.
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