Paano matanggal tutuli sa tenga?

Catherine Orlino

Ano po ang gamot sa sakit ng tenga? May tutuli na po kasi e

Translation: What is medicine or cure or home remedy for removing ear wax?


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is a Medical expert in India
OTC wax softening drops are available like debrox and murine. Bulb type syringe may be used to gently irrigate the ear with warm water.
Ear wax blockage can be prevented by avoiding the use of cotton tipped swabs that pushes the wax further inside.

About the author


I am a dental surgeon with 14 years of clinical experience. After graduation, I got opportunities to work in class corporate hospitals and dental chains, like, fortis, Apollo and religaire. I have done my residency from Maulana azad Institute of Dental Sciences , New Delhi in the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery where I got an additional training in dental extractions, disimpaction surgery,fracture management, and minor oral surgeries like apicoectomy, excision, Intermaxillary fixation etc. I got my post graduation done in Hospital Administration. Apart from that, I am a medical writer too. Currently I am running my private practice successfully in Gurgaon, Haryana, India by the name of YOU TOOTH CLINIC
Profession: DENTAL
Office Address: 4544, SECTOR 23A
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