Uric Acid and Creatinine: Which is more important indicator of Kidney health?

Medical Team
is a Medical expert in United States

Both creatinine and uric acid levels are important indicators of kidney health, and they serve different purposes.

Creatinine is a waste product that is produced by muscle metabolism and filtered out of the blood by the kidneys. An elevated level of creatinine in the blood indicates a decline in kidney function, as the kidneys are not effectively removing waste from the body. Therefore, creatinine levels are often used as a marker of kidney function.

Uric acid, on the other hand, is a waste product of purine metabolism. The kidneys help to eliminate uric acid from the body. Elevated levels of uric acid in the blood can lead to the formation of uric acid crystals, which can cause gout, a painful form of arthritis, and kidney stones. Therefore, uric acid levels are important in evaluating kidney health and the risk of developing gout and kidney stones.

Both creatinine and uric acid levels are important in evaluating kidney health. Creatinine levels provide information about kidney function, while uric acid levels provide information about the risk of developing gout and kidney stones. Your healthcare provider will be able to use these tests, along with other factors, to determine the overall health of your kidneys.

About the author

Medical Team

Our medical team verify the medical accuracy of the articles you read on our site. U.S. trained General Practice Family Doctor. Has additional qualifications in ultrasound, emergency medicine, and traumatology.
Profession: Family Medicine
Private practice
United States , California , San Francisco


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