Bangag - Meaning, Kahulugan, English Translation, Definition

Rizza Floro
is a Talent scout in Japan

Tagalog - What is the English translation or meaning?

Bangag - High with drugs or alcohol, Haggard, Exhausted

Tagalog to Tagalog: Ano kahulugan o ibig sabihin? Tesauro

Lulon sa droga o alak, Lutang ang diwa, Nahihilo o pagod


Sentence examples / Halimbawa ng pangungusap:

1. Umuwi siyang bangag pagkatapos makipag-inuman. (He went home high and haggard after drinking alcohol with his friends.)

2. Bangag siya lagi sa tuwing manggagaling sa trabaho . (He’s always exhausted after work .)

About the author

Rizza Floro

Profession: Talent scout
Japan , Tokyo , Tokyo


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